MGM Senior Class Information
Senior Sponsors
Mrs. Angela Salamone/Room 414
Mrs. Sandra Hardegree/Room 402
Senior Class Officers
Vice Pres
Senior Class Dues
2025 Senior Class dues can be paid at registration or through E-Funds on the first page of the school webpage. Please take a picture of your receipt, whether it is paid online or in person.
2025 Senior Class dues pays for graduation related activities. Senior dues do not pay for your prom ticket. If you did not pay your junior dues as a junior, you must still pay your junior dues to attend prom as a senior. If you did pay your junior dues, your prom ticket is already purchased. Date tickets are separate and details will be given later in the school year. Junior Dues are not required to participate in graduation activities, but are required to attend prom.
Graduation Supplies Ordering
Seniors met with Jostens on Monday, August 28, to go over ordering graduation supplies.
Graduation supply orders will be taken Thursday, August 31, and Friday, September 1, during your Enrichment class.
Important Senior Dates
Check back in later for updated information for the Class of 2025!
Be sure you have placed your order for Cap & Gown with Jostens!
Call them at (251) 345-4707
Dress for awards day is the same as for the graduation ceremony except students will NOT wear their caps and gowns for the awards day.
Girls are expected to wear all-white dresses. No strapless dresses. Be mindful of the length of your dress. Make sure the skirt of your dress reaches to the tips of your fingertips when you stand straight. Be mindful of your undergarments as the lights on the stage will magnify their visibility. No rompers or jumpers are allowed. Your dress should NOT extend beyond the hem of your graduation gown. Your white dress should be shorter than your graduation gown. Wear SOLID black shoes. NO FLIP FLOPS, NO SLIPPERS, NO BOOTS, NO ATHLETIC SHOES, NO SLIDES, NO UGGS Be mindful of the height of your heels. No leggings or colored tights.
If a girl chooses to not wear the traditional white dress, her only other option is to wear the clothing required by the guys and follow the guidelines for male dress.
Boys are expected to wear black pants, a black belt, a white dress shirt, dark socks, and a dark tie. Guys must wear black dress shoes---NO BROWN SHOES, NO ATHLETIC SHOES, NO FLIP FLOPS, NO SLIDES, NO SANDALS
No tiaras, no large earrings, no facial piercings
Students may NOT decorate their caps. Caps must be plain just as they were distributed.
On Awards day, students may wear their pins, cords, medals.
On graduation day, students may only wear cords given by our National Honor Society. NHS members should also wear gold tassels instead of MGM-colored tassels.
These cords are only allowed if given to the student by the sponsor of the National Honor Society at Mary G. Montgomery High School. No stole, cord, or tassel from any other organization is allowed during the graduation ceremony.
FAFSA Information
Alabama Free Application Week